When wanting to spruce up your BBQ dishes, you should add an olive and garlic oil marinade. Marinating your BBQ dishes with olive oil can help tenderize meat, as well as make the meat juicy and full of flavor.
Cookouts are the perfect way to spend time with family and friends. Celebrating summer by grilling out is fun and easy. Not only is it one of the healthiest ways to prepare food, it is also a great way to enjoy the beautiful weather. Olive oil marinades are the perfect solution for adding flavor to your BBQ dishes.
You will want to let your meats marinate in the olive oil for about 30 minutes. During this time, your meat is soaking up the mixture to provide you with amazing flavors and healthy benefits. However, if you are grilling meats that are thick, they will need to marinate for a longer period of time.
Your olive oil marinate provides moisture to the meat. This marinade will help lock in the flavor, so that it does not dry out while being grilled. Olive and garlic oil have the ability to penetrate the meat faster than other oils. This means it is a great solution if you are in a hurry and do not have hours to wait for other marinades to work their magic.
Olive oil help decrease the amount of moisture that is loss during the cooking process. Plus, it will deter your meat from sticking to the grill. The American Cancer Research Institution has stated that an acidic marinade will help decrease the amount of heterocyclic amines that a meat produces when introduced to a direct flame. Add a little vinegar to your olive oil marinade to reap these healthy benefits.
The meat will become tenderized, as the marinade will help break down the protein chain. It is not necessary to have meats sit in a marinade for too long, as this can cause the surface to become soft and mushy. This is particularly true for fish and seafood.
Making up an olive oil marinade is easy. There is no particular science to it, as you can add any herbs or spices that you want. Place the meat in a baking dish and cover with the marinade. Allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove from baking dish and place on the grill. Enjoy your meats like you never have before. You will find that olive oil marinades will produce amazing results.
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